Chess LiveGames online

Classical game with real people. 19M+ players. Find an opponent at any time!

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App Info

  • Rating

    Rated for 12+

  • Release

    Apr 13, 2018

  • Last Update

    Sep 23, 2024

  • Genre



Chess LiveGames - classical board game for 2 players. Play with real people only. More than 19 000 000 players. You'll find an opponent at any time. Games is a great way to meet new people. Play Сhess, prove your skills and become the best player. ★What's inside:★ ✓ Chess ✓ Games only with real people ✓ Free, without advertisement ✓ Chat, friends, gifts and achievements ADVANTAGES: ✓ Free points every hour and every day ✓ Advanced system of achievements ✓ Ratings and user tops ✓ Private tables with password ✓ Low prices for additional points ✓ Quick game mode ✓ Simple one-touch authorization - Game Center, - Social networks, - LiveGames account or - Guest mode ✓ Detailed rules of each game ✓ 3 kinds of chat in the game ✓ Active support service ✓ Actions and promotions from project Administration ✓ Possible connection via WiFi, 3G, LTE Play Сhess game online! Chess is a familiar and beloved game since childhood! A popular board game, trains the logic! If you are looking for a logical game - this is what suits you. Our Chess is free and does not support advertising, nothing will distract you from your favorite game in Chess. The game is only with real people online. All your rivals are real players. Play Chess online Now! ★Online Play LiveGames: ★Backgammon LiveGames: ★Burkozel LiveGames: ★Durak online LiveGames: ★Thousand(1000) LiveGames: ★Dominoes LiveGames: ★Poker LiveGames: ★Preference LiveGames: Google+: Facebook: More than 19 000 000 people are already playing on the site, join us!


  • mahmoud osman

    Thank you for this great game and helpful app

  • Vikram vijay kumar

    Bet based program is not there, free to join program only, only time pass, not earning program.

  • Cat Man

    This isn't a quick chess game. This is a lot of waiting, and hoping someone will join. The gameplay is glitchy. There's a very annoying ticking that happens with the timer. It interferes with thinking during critical time. I won't be keeping this app.

  • A Google user

    Sucks like a good vacuum

  • Светлана Василий

    Classical game with real people. 19M+ players. Find an opponent at any time!

  • Palash Kumar Pal

    Great graphics, opponents most times are overrated on their ELO score, sometimes a glitch in a game happens, 1 time I played white and Black got to make the 1st move???

  • Seela Lakshmi Seela

    No stars Because it is not working

  • A Google user

    Good i like it a lot

  • Job Boy

    This is really amazing online live multiplayer Chess game.Just love it👍😍

  • A Google user

    awesome, best time pass

  • Vladimir Zirkov

    It's a perfect game. I love these kinds of games that open the mind and think. I recommend downloading it


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